It was one of the scariest days of my life. The phone rang and the doctor said the result from my husband’s biopsy was throat cancer.

I remember the blood rushing from my head, and everything seemed to echo from that moment on. I can recall the internal dialog going on inside my mind while the doctor was speaking.

Remain calm, breathe, ask the questions Tom will need answers for, and get off the phone before you faint.

After pushing the end button on the phone, I remained leaning against the kitchen sink wondering how I would tell Tom. It was nine o’clock in the morning. Should I call him at work? Should I tell him he needs to come home? Oh the kids, what do I tell the kids? Is there a right way to tell someone they have cancer?

I went through the day emotionally detached from the information I had been given. Picking the children up, talking to Tom on the phone about the upcoming Christmas party, speaking to friends and family throughout the day. Everyone’s lives were continuing on as though it always had – except mine. I was holding this ticking time bomb, and I knew at any moment it was going to go off.

Everything normal changed for us that day. We had to find a new norm. We had to discover our securities in new parameters. After that call, life became a series of unpredictable events, and the only consistency we found was our faith in Christ.

I’m the type of woman that when I make my mind up to do something, even if I am scared to death, I don’t prolong the inevitable – I am a rip the Band-Aid off kind of girl! Let’s just get it over with, already!

It’s the mentality of  ‘just do it, Beth, even if you have to do it afraid’ that’s birthed this unwavering trust in God alone. And it’s been moments like my husband’s cancer, and many more where I’ve chosen to walk through a door with FAITH – even when I’d rather not!

Life is unpredictable, messy, glorious, and exciting and it all requires different measures of faith. It requires taking a risk to face the unknown, even when everything is convincing you to stay put!

God has not called us to live in the safe zone. He’s called us to live in the infinitely more, in the boundaries which are unpredictable, in the seasons that have no answers, and the walking on water moments.

When we live in those areas, our lives become living testimonies of a God who is big enough to do the unexplainable, and personal enough to choose you to do it!

Don’t limit God by limiting yourself – Get out there and JUST DO IT AFRAID!


NOW YOUR TURN: What is God asking you to “Just do it afraid!”

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