I figured the first blog I’d want people to read is one that introduces the most important people in my life – the Fam-bam! So here we are…

Tom and I were high school sweethearts and best friends! We broke all the statistics and have been married for 22 years! We were an Air Force family for 23 years, and that took us across the Atlantic to Germany, and back to the USA where we called three different states home. My son, Joshua, brought it to my attention the other day that all four of us were born in a different state… a little unusual, but probably not for those military families reading this.

Tom was aircraft maintenance for the first half of his career, and finished the back end as a First Sergeant. He now loves the civilian life, and his new career outside of the Air Force. He is a loyal SF Giants fan, and he tries to take advantage of living in a state where we have multiple professional sports teams, by seeing as many live games as possible!

Kaitlyn is our firstborn, and she just turned 16!!! She loves art, music, and just having fun! It wouldn’t be uncommon to hear Kait upstairs singing her heart out, or hanging on Facebook chattin’ with her friends. She has entered a new time in her life where driving, college, and her future are all on her mind!

Joshua is our 13 year old. He is an avid sports lover! It really doesn’t matter the sport, Joshua can tell you the stats! We knew he was serious about sports when at 4 he preferred watching Sport’s Center to cartoons! He loves hanging with his dad, and whatever sport season we happened to be in, they are out back tossin’ a ball or shootin’ a puck.

Then there is KC the dog… named after an airplane that Tom used to work on, KC’s favorite past time would simply be following me all over the house!

So there ya have it! Welcome to the family!

1 reply
  1. Anita Garcia
    Anita Garcia says:

    Thanks for sharing your family with us! We too know what it’s like to be living abroad. <3

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